Quality and Sustainability

In addition to making the highest demands on the quality of our products, we also attach great importance on our suppliers' practising sustainable fishing practices and responsible farming methods. This is the only way to ensure the development of global markets for the long term and protect the oceans against increasing overfishing.

MSC-Certified Sustainable Fisheries

Zeelandia van Belzen is certified according to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and offers a comprehensive range of high-quality products from MSC-certified fisheries.


ASC-Certified Responsible Farming

Zeelandia van Belzen is certified according to the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and offers a comprehensive range of high-quality products from ASC-certified fish farms.


HACCP Standard

Zeelandia van Belzen is certified by Dr. Berns Laboratorium according to the latest HACCP standard in order to ensure that we consistently meet our demanding quality and hygiene standards.


Flyshoot Quality

Flyshoot is a traditional fishing technique originally from Denmark called "snurrevaed" in Danish. This was modernised and further developed in Scotland under the "Flyshoot" name.
